Charity Growth

Mini MBA

By Better Story


The Charity Growth Mini MBA by Better Story is for senior leaders in the charity sector who want to experience sustainable growth for themselves and their organisations.

Your leadership touches almost every area of the charity, and all eyes are on you for vision, growth, and impact. We’ve been there, and know it is deeply rewarding but can also be challenging, draining and sometimes lonely. 

Over 6 months, you will learn about vision, strategy, fundraising, communications, and impact, alongside other senior leaders facing the same issues as you.

The Charity Growth Mini MBA unlocks the knowledge and experience of Better Story’s 20-strong team of charity growth experts who provide fundraising, communications, and coaching services to charities of all sizes. 

We know how busy you are. So we have designed a virtual course that maximises learning, impact and community, with an optimal time commitment. (Sessions will be recorded).


Our current course schedule is detailed below. To be notified about future courses click here.



2 hour virtual meeting at the start of the month consisting of:

  • Main session (1 hour)

  • Guided reflection over coffee (Optional. 30 mins)

  • Bonus session (Optional. 30 mins) 

1 hour group coaching session mid-month consisting of: 

  • Reflecting on learning

  • Action planning

  • Building relationships with your peers on the course



September 2024 

Thursday 5 September

10-11am Main session:
Setting a course for growth

  • Leading with vision

  • Getting your team bought in

  • Involving your beneficiaries (co-design)

  • Strategic goal-setting and planning

11-11:30am Guided reflection over coffee (optional)

11:30am-12pm Bonus session (optional):
How to lead in the Charity Sector without burning out, by Patrick Regan OBE

Thursday 19 September

10-11am Peer growth session

October 2024

Thursday 3 October

10-11am Main session:
Creating High-Performing Teams: From Recruitment to Retention

  • Finding the right people 

  • Making moments  

  • Keeping things fair  

  • Becoming psychologically informed

11-11:30am Guided reflection over coffee (optional)

11:30am-12pm Bonus session (optional):
Knowing what and when to outsource

Thursday 17 October

10-11am Peer growth session

November 2024

Thursday 7 November

10-11am Main session:
Building a Strategy to Raise Funds

  • Creating a theory of change.  

  • Designing fundable programmes. 

  • Setting a budget which will deliver your vision 

  • Forming your fundraising strategy 

11-11:30am Guided reflection over coffee (optional)

11:30am-12pm Bonus session (optional):
Impact Measurement

Thursday 21 November

10-11am Peer growth session

December 2024

Thursday 5 December

10-11am Main session:
Communicating for Growth

  • Key components of a comms strategy  

  • Emails that increase engagement 

  • Mass fundraising campaign tactics  

  • Social media: how to focus your efforts 

11-11:30am Guided reflection over coffee (optional)

11:30am-12pm Bonus session (optional):
Good use of A.I for charities

Thursday 19 December

10-11am Peer growth session

January 2025

Thursday 9 January

10-11am Main session:
Growing your income from UK trusts and foundations 

  • Writing an inspiring case for support

  • Prospecting 101

  • Components of a successful fundraising application

  • Managing the pipeline

11-11:30am Guided reflection over coffee (optional)

11:30am-12pm Bonus session (optional):
How to make the most of LinkedIn   

Thursday 23 January

10-11am Peer growth session

February 2025

Thursday 6 February

10-11am Main session:
Starting and growing a Major Gift programme

  • Prospecting major donors

  • Secrets of an outstanding major donor event 

  • How and when to make the ask 

  • Cultivating organisations’ buy-in

11-11:30am Guided reflection over coffee (optional)

11:30am-12pm Bonus session (optional):
Raising money from US Trusts

Thursday 20 February

10-11am Peer growth session (presentation of Charity Mini MBA certificates)


At the end of the course, you will have the knowledge, strategies and peer community needed to continue to grow your charity for greater impact.

Our current course schedule is detailed above. To be notified about future courses, click here.

Your Course Leaders

  • Karina has over 20 years’ experience as a charity founder, CEO and social venture leader. Skilled in strategy, project innovation and fundraising, she is passionate about helping charity leaders develop strong sustainable organisations that make a real difference to people's lives. Karina has a business Masters in Social Innovation and is involved with social impact work at her local church. She lives in Derbyshire with 1 husband, 2 cats and 3 chickens.

  • Dan has years of experience as a CEO and fundraising manager for several internationally recognised non-profit organisations. He has raised millions of pounds for charities over the last 10 years. He is passionate about charities having the resources they need to multiply their impact, helping more people to 'live a better story'. He lives in Wiltshire with his two girls and labradoodle.

  • Jason wants to make the world a better place and does this through helping charities secure resources, increase their impact and make positive change. He has worked in the third, housing and public sectors for two decades. In that time, he has secured millions in funding through competitive tendering processes and grants. Jason is also a non-executive director for Llais: Your Voice in Health and Social Care and Taff Housing Association. Outside of work, he loves spending time with his family and training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.



To be considered for the Charity Growth Mini MBA you need to be in a leadership position in a registered charity. To make the most of the course and contribute effectively to the community you’ll need to be available for at least half of the main sessions. You can delegate a team member in your place for up to two sessions.


Course Fees

Initial payment to secure your place: £150 + vat

Followed by 5 direct debit payments of £150 + vat. 

If you’d like your senior leadership team to benefit from the Charity Growth Mini MBA, get in touch to explore a group discount or exclusive course just for your non-profit.


Our current course schedule is detailed above. To be notified about future courses, click here.


No prior qualifications are necessary. The Charity Growth Mini MBA is not a formal qualification.