What one thing?

Do you remember how easy it was to just sit down and watch TV in the olden days when there were only 4 options to choose from?

Now you have to waste half an hour scrolling through endless menus and getting increasingly confused about what you actually want to watch. Ever just give up and do something else instead?

Decision paralysis is real. So here is one of the most important questions to ask yourself in charity fundraising, marketing and any sort of communication.

What ONE thing do you want the audience to do after they see this?

Whether it’s a video, an advert, a blog post, a newsletter or an Instagram story – what do you want them to do next? It might be “click through to the website to read more.” It might be “make a £5 donation”. It might be “sign up for the fun run”. But it shouldn’t be ALL of those things.

Having one clear goal will help you massively to focus the message of your communication, and it will help your audience to actually respond. Avoid decision paralysis. Keep it simple.


For more help, just contact us.


How to increase your income from Trusts and Foundations


The power of stories