“This time next year, we’ll be millionaires!”

It was funny every time Del Boy said it. Why?

Because we all knew it was just wishful thinking. He didn’t have a plan. He just had a series of harebrained schemes, changing spontaneously from one day to the next, and they never worked out.

Have you ever experienced a Del Boy moment from a boss at work?

“We’re going to raise half a million over the next six months.” Or perhaps, “This year we’re going to get 300 more regular givers, and increase our Instagram followers by 200%.” And you’re sitting there like Rodney, thinking, “well, how?!” It’s not going to happen without a clear strategy.

For starters, you need to think about a few things, like:

  • Who are your current contacts?

  • How much do they normally give?

  • What’s the likely response rate from email / post / other channels? How does this differ between your current supporters and a cold audience?

  • What are the best channels to use to reach your target audiences?

  • What’s the most cost-effective way to reach new people?

In summary: how many people does the maths say you’ll need to reach to meet your goal, who are they, and how will you do that by the deadline?

You need a clear strategy for both an ambitious short-term fundraising goal, or a long-term growth plan. Without a plan, you’ll never get there.

Don’t be a Del Boy. Make it actually happen.

If you feel stuck, we’d love to give you a hand with drawing up a credible fundraising or communications strategy that clearly shows the steps needed to reach your goal. We can help your deliver some or all of it too, if you need more pairs of hands and expertise. Find out more here.

This time next year, you could be where your charity really needs to be.


Check out our strategy page and get in touch.


How do you find new major donors?


How to do social media right: 10 tips for charities